[来源:www.aoyou56.com] [作者:网站建设] [日期:18-05-11] [浏览次数:]
互联网时代,网站已经成为企业发展的重要组成部分,它的存在不仅可以帮助企业发掘更多的潜在用户、扩大业务市场,还对吸此用户、促成转化等方面有着不可获缺的作用。很多企业就是持到了网站的这些优势,都开始纷纷建设自己的网站,希望可以在互联网市场中宣传出自己的企业品牌。不过现在很多人都是在盲目的跟风,他们并不清楚网站建设到底对企业有哪些价值。为了让大家了解网站建设的价值,以便更好的为企业发展服务,济南诺商信息技术有限责任公司将为大家总结一下。 The age of the Internet, the website has become an important part of enterprise development, it not only can help enterprises to explore more potential users, expand the market, also for the user, to transform has the effect of the aspect and so on. Many enterprises is to hold to the website of these advantages, have started to build your own web site, hoping to promote the own brand in the Internet market. But now a lot of people are blindly following suit, and they don't know what it's worth to the company. In order to let everybody understand the value of the website construction, in order to better service for enterprise development, jinan, business information technology co., LTD will summarize for you. 价值1,打破企业现有的格局。 Value 1, break the enterprise's existing pattern. 企业网站是吸引用户、宣传信息的主要平台,它可以帮助企业通过互联网媒介来实现线上的运营、营销。这样就打破了过去企业的线下销售的局面,即方更的用户又为企业带来的利润。 The enterprise website is the main platform to attract users and disseminate information, which can help enterprises to realize the operation and marketing of the line through Internet media. This breaks down the offline sales of companies in the past, which is the profit that the more users bring to the enterprise. 价值2,网站转化率取决于引导。 Value 2, website conversion rate depends on guidance. 网站建设后可以为企业带来大量的线上流量,并通过产品页或是客服来使这些客户形成转化。提升转化率就必须做好引导工作,而引导客户就必须要从客户的需求出发,为客户提供可以解决问题的方案,从而引导客户来到企业网站并行成转化。 Website construction can bring large amounts of online traffic to businesses and convert them through product pages or customer service. Improve conversion rates will have to do a good job in boot and guide the customer must be starting from the needs of customers, provide for the customer can solve the problem of plan, so as to guide customers to the enterprise site in parallel as transformation.
