
Share the common problems and answers encountered during the SEO optimization process.
1. When checking website indexing, there are different data in Baidu Index, Baidu Statistics, and Webmaster Platform. Which data is accurate.
答:百度site是一个估算值,站长平台和百度统计为精准收录索引数据,数据源相同。有时候显示不同,后续百度会推进数据统一 。
Answer: Baidu site is an estimated value, and the webmaster platform and Baidu statistics accurately include index data, with the same data source. Sometimes the display is different, and Baidu will promote data unification in the future.
2. Will cheating on the purchased domain name affect it?
Answer: Normally, if a domain name is changed hands, it will be treated as a brand new domain name. However, the domain name that was previously punished for cheating is still difficult for search engines to determine. We hope to consider it carefully.
3, 我的网站是不是被k ?
3. Has my website been hacked?
I checked my Taobao customer website this morning and found that there is no snapshot, the homepage included is also missing, and many keywords have lost their rankings. Is it possible to restore them after being penalized?
Answer: The homepage is K, keep it updated, and it will be restored after a period of time. The website was K, but it was not included on Baidu site.
4,我的收录很奇怪,百度总有收录新的页面,但是旧的页面好像被删除了,都没有再增加上一个层次了,总是在220-230 之间徘徊
4. My inclusion is very strange. Baidu always includes new pages, but the old pages seem to have been deleted without adding any more layers, always hovering between 220 and 230
Answer: (1) This requires further weight increase
就好比 你是什么职务,收入就是多少,如果你的职务提升了,你的工资就会增加
It's like what your position is, what your income is. If your position is promoted, your salary will increase
(2) The website itself has low content quality or similarity, and has been filtered and deleted by search engines!
5. My website keywords have remained stable on the first page, but how did they change to the third page today? Has the website been downgraded?
Answer: Note: As long as the website ranks, it is not a downgrade, and the result of downgrade is no ranking!
You need to regularly observe your website and the websites of your competitors to see if there have been any changes. If everything has changed, it indicates that Baidu has adjusted and it will be better in a few days
If only you have decreased, continue to maintain the current optimization methods, strengthen weights, and stabilize weights!
6. Why hasn't my new website been included for half a month yet!
Answer: Baidu has adjusted its new website inclusion mechanism, extended the review time, and included one page within a month. With the increase of website articles, it will be gradually released in future updates,
After the indexing slowly recovers, the snapshot starts to stop and is updated once a week, so please try to do your website well!
7、跟自己行业相关的做友情连接诶 又有什么好处?我网站做的不是很好,而且同行业竞争这么大,我还担心我客户看见了会导向对手那块了,那样岂不是分我的客户流?
7. What are the benefits of making friendship connections related to one's own industry? My website is not doing very well, and there is so much competition in the same industry. I am also worried that my customers will see it and lead to competitors. Isn't that dividing my customer flow?
Answer: If that's the case, don't look for direct competitors. You can find websites related to other provinces in the same industry. For example, mass messaging can be linked to mobile related websites.