[来源:www.aoyou56.com] [作者:网站建设] [日期:18-03-06] [浏览次数:]
搜索引擎对于URL中含有关键词给与一定的权重,但是也不能盲目的堆积关键字,URL中含有大量的关键字或者是连接符号,搜索引擎会认为是垃圾信息。全网营销课堂就为大家总结一下关于网站URL优化的一些方法。 1.描述内容 一个显而易见的URL是个好的URL。如果一个用户看着地址框(或者链接)还没访问网站时就能准确猜到页面内容,目的就达到了。这种URL将会被粘贴、分享、被写下来,并且能够被搜索引擎辨识。 2.保持简洁 简洁是美德,URL越短越容易复制粘贴、在电话里读出来、写在名片上或者用在其他各种非传统方式中,这些都会带来更好的易用性及更多品牌曝光。 3.静态化 搜索引擎处理静态URL与动态URL不同。用户也不喜欢充满字符如:?、&和=的URL,因为这样很难阅读和理解。 4.描述优于数字 应该用“agriculture/nyxdt/,而不是“/1141/cat223/。对一个没什么经验的用户来说。就算描述并不是关键词或者包含很多信息,在可能的情况下使用单词还是要好得多。就算不考虑其他,你的团队成员会因为在开发和测试过程中更容易找到问题而感谢你。 5. 关健词不会有害 如果要把目标放在竞争性很强的关键词组上,你就要充分利用所有能得到的优势。关键词当然是策略的一部分。所以,从营销部门拿到关键词列表,将其分布到恰当的页面。通过CMS动态创建页面时.需要有在URL中包括关键词的选项。 6.不要倾向于子域名。 Search engine gives certain weight to URL including key words, but it can't blindly accumulate keywords. URL contains a large number of keywords or connected symbols. Search engines will think of spam. The whole network marketing classroom for you to summarize some of the ways to optimize the web site URL. 1. description of the content of an obvious URL is a good URL. If a user looks at the address box (or link), the content of the page can be accurately guessed when the site is not visited, and the purpose is achieved. The URL will be pasted, shared, written down, and can be identified by the search engine. 2., keeping succinct and concise is a virtue. The shorter URL is, the easier it is to copy, paste, read on the phone, write on business card, or use it in other non-traditional ways, which will bring better usability and more brand exposure. 3. static search engines deal with static URL and dynamic URL. Users do not like to be full of characters such as:, & & and = URL, because it's hard to read and understand. The 4. description is better than the number "agriculture/nyxdt/, not" /1141/cat223/. For a user who has no experience. Even if the description is not a keyword or contains a lot of information, it is much better to use a word in a possible case. Even if you don't think about it, your team members will thank you for finding problems in the process of development and testing. 5. Guan Jian's word doesn't hurt if you want to put the target on a competitive keyword group, and you should make full use of all the advantages that you can get. The key words, of course, are part of the strategy. So, get the keyword list from the marketing department and distribute it to the appropriate page. When creating a page dynamically through CMS, there is an option to include keywords in URL. 6. do not tend to subdomain.
