[来源:www.aoyou56.com] [作者:网站建设] [日期:18-03-12] [浏览次数:]
一:搜索引擎蜘蛛的工作原理要清楚 One: the working principle of the search engine spiders should be clear 这是最原始的一步,只有把术语了解了,就基本上摸着了SEO的核心了,这是基础,要不然别人在传授SEO实战经验的时候,对于一些术语你还模棱两可,那基本上是很难学习成功的,有的人看书都希看在一天之内就能够看清楚,看明白,除非你有诸葛亮的聪明,否则你还是要好好的学习,要记得贪多肯定嚼不烂! This is the most primitive step, only to understand the terminology, it basically reached the core of SEO, which is the basis, or when others teach SEO experience, with some terms you are ready to accept either course that basically is, it is difficult to success in learning, some people read all hope in a day within can see, see, unless you have Zhu Geliang's clever, or you still have to learn, remember you must chew! 二:了解相关SEO术语 Two: understand the related SEO terminology 很多人对于网站SEO优化技术报有敬畏的心,以为这种知识非常的高科技,自己肯定不轻易学会,而且很多人在看完大量的理论书籍之后,依然会有这样的感慨,实际上对于任何时候都是尽信书则不如无书,那些SEO理论上的书籍只是起到一些参考的作用,所以对于毫无实战经验的站长来说,可定会觉得SEO是多么难学的知识,但是当你进行了实战之后相信你会有醍醐灌顶的感觉。 A lot of people for the website SEO optimization technology has fear, that this knowledge is very high-tech, certainly not easy to learn, and a lot of people after the theory of a large number of books, still have such a feeling, in fact for any time is the letter to do as no books, those books on the theory of SEO just play some reference role, so there is no practical experience of the webmaster, will feel SEO how hard it is to learn the knowledge, but when you are in combat that you may have the feeling filled with wisdom. 很多人在做网站的时候往往会选择免费的空间,域名也是一些二级的域名,看起来很节省,实际上却是最不节省的建站方法,要知道这后期的运营本钱将会高得多,特别是对于SEO优化来说,网站的空间假如不稳定,今天蜘蛛爬到了你的网站发现打不开,明天又打不开,三天两头的打不开,相信谁也没有这个耐心天天来了,此时你的网站就会离将权不远了。除非你是想做个简单的网站来自娱自乐,要不然选择好的空间和域名是非常必要的! Many people will choose to free space on the website when the domain name is also often, some two of the domain name, looks very save, actually the save method establishment, to know the late operating costs will be much higher, especially for SEO optimization, site space if not stable, the spider climb to you today the website that does not open, tomorrow is not open, can not open every two or three days, believe that none of the patient every day, then your website will leave right away. It's very necessary to choose a good space and domain name unless you want to make a simple website to amuse yourself. 三:网站空间和域名的选择要符合SEO优化规范 Three: the selection of web space and domain name should conform to the SEO optimization specification 实在这是最基本的要求了,我们服务于搜索引擎,假如做不到知己知彼,那是很难有效的让百度等搜索引擎把你的网站排名放在首页的,蜘蛛一般是通过别的网址爬到我们的网站,当我们网站的网址在互联网上出现很多的时候,那么蜘蛛天天就会非常勤快的来到我们的网站,自然网站的内容收录就会慢慢的增多,所以说外链的建设是很重要的! This is really the most basic requirements, we serve the search engine, if do not know, it is very difficult to make the Baidu search engine to your website ranking on the home page, the spider climb to our site through other web site, when our web site has a lot of time in on the Internet, then every day will be very diligent spider come to our website, the website content included natural will slowly increase, so that the construction of the chain is very important!
